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Тип занятости
Полная занятость, Проектная работа/разовое задание
Мужчина, 37 лет, родился 25 августа 1987
Город: Астана
Опыт работы
14 лет 5 месяцев
Industrial Project Manager
С 01.03.2024 по настоящее время (1 год)
Facility Manager - responsible for creation of equipment strategy, defining the preventive maintenance plan and scope of work for whole equipment in the workshop. - Achieving high grade regarding the tools and facilities management during the audit. Putting into operation of several projects: low and high voltage area. From the layout development till the installation and certification of equipment.
Industrial Project Manager
С 01.03.2024 по настоящее время (1 год)
Facility Manager - responsible for creation of equipment strategy, defining the preventive maintenance plan and scope of work for whole equipment in the workshop. - Achieving high grade regarding the tools and facilities management during the audit. Putting into operation of several projects: low and high voltage area. From the layout development till the installation and certification of equipment.
Novus Bolashak
Electrical Execution Engineer
С 01.06.2021 по 01.02.2024 (2 года 8 месяцев)
Commisioning switchboards: cold check, inspection, individual test VT, CT. Primary current injection CB. Updating firmware, RDB, CID of SEL 751, 787, 2411, 849. Functional test relay protection with test rig. Checking ECS, CMCS signals. Functional test ATS, MTS. monitoring and analysis of the “System Completion Management Tool” (SCMT) database. Making an order for electrical materials. Receiving of materials. Preparation of an admission order, Conducting HSE briefing and Work Instructions every morning before the start of the work for Team. I make sure that the staff understood exactly the task, feedback, discussion with each member of the team about the state of health and emotional state. Site control of task execution: mounting and • To achieve the tasks set by the project, I am experienced user and use the following TCO programs and TCO databases: System Completion Management Tool (SCMT); FGP 3GP Systems Completion Certification Portal; Facility Engineering Data Website (FED); Coreworx Project Collaboration; Completion Management System (CMS); Walkdown System; 3GP Full Punchlist; LUN Register; 3GP
Engineer electric
С 01.01.2021 по 01.05.2021 (4 месяца)
• Assistance in performing other work tasks on behalf of the Project Manager • Participated in the investigation of emergency events, ensures the collection and analysis of information and monitors the timely implementation of measures • Provided safe working conditions, compliance with safety regulations by the personnel of contractors. • Checking that contractors have all the necessary manuals, instructions for repair, operation and maintenance for all types of electrical equipment and maintenance schedules for compliance with their plans • Participated in the verification, development and revision of manufacturing instructions. • Provides management reports on electrical equipment status for all facilities in the facility management department. • Controlled the quality of work on equipment installation, compliance of the scheduled preventive maintenance schedule with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. • Vel technical documentation, drew up work plans for a month, quarter, year and long-term planning of work with reference to the budget. • Ensuring the performance of work on commissioning and commissioning of electrical equipment and instrumentation in accordance with approved work plans, building codes and regulations (SNiP) and departmental building codes (VSN). • Ensuring compliance with plans, quality and schedules for commissioning and commissioning of electrical equipment and instrumentation. • Technical control of electric motors, generators AKSA and CAT, transformers, compressors, compensators and conservation of these products. • Technical inspection of two-phase and three-phase high voltage generators. • Checking the induction motors and checking the implementation of the appropriate conservation measures. • Completion of checklists and equipment damage reports. Checking the condition of pressure gauges and measuring devices. Replacement as needed. • Measurement of insulation resistance with a megohmmeter and preparation of acts on the state of insulation based on resistance measurement
Infra Del Project Kazakhstan
Electric and instruments inspector
С 01.08.2020 по 01.12.2020 (4 месяца)
* Technical control of electric motors, generators, transformers, compensators and equipment conservation. * Technical inspection of two-phase and three-phase high voltage generators. * Checking asynchronous motors and checking the implementation of appropriate conservation measures. * Completion of checklists and equipment damage reports. * Checking the condition of pressure gauges and measuring devices. Replacement as needed. * Measurement of insulation resistance with a megohmmeter and preparation of acts on the state of insulation based on resistance measurement * Application of silica gel and other similar substances to areas where condensation occurs. * Ability to calculate the amount of silica gel required for equipment. * Carrying out technical inspection and work with electrical equipment and mechanical equipment containing electrical components. * Knowledge of the features of asynchronous electric motors. * Ability to read and understand drawings and specifications and requirements related to the performance of the work. * Ability to identify hazardous factors. * Ability to work with power tools and hand tools. * Ability to work with equipment under pressure.
ТОО CHI Electric
QA/QC E/I Inspector
С 01.10.2019 по 01.08.2020 (10 месяцев)
1. QA/QC E/A Inspector with 14.02.2019 – in real time. * I work as a responsible person for the implementation of construction and installation works and for maintaining ITD (Executive and technical documentation) at the objects of the FGP project. * Organized and conducted pre-inspection meetings * Inspection and testing of E & I installations according to customer's drawings * Review of vendor suitability and reports * Preparation of documents and sending all necessary documents to the Client * Complete the verification with the QA / QC client according to the approved ITP and perform the QVD accordingly. * Performed on-site QA / QC inspection. * Prepared and reviewed field inspection reports. * Prepare internal perforated lists and coordinate with the site Manager to close all internal perforated lists raised by QA / QC. * Checked e & I material inspection according to customer / project requirements •View and maintain records of calibration and testing of on-site testing equipment. * Controlled the correctness of inspection and testing according to customer approved e & I drawings. * Handled concession requests and non-compliance reports. * Developed quality control measures and trained personnel where there are requirements. • Developed the project ITP and procedures. * Carried out ongoing construction work to ensure that the installation is carried out in accordance with customer and ROK standards. * Compliance with operating procedures. * Accounting and reporting on its quality management activities.
ТОО CHI Electric
Техник-электрик 4 разряда 3 категории
С 01.02.2019 по 01.08.2020 (1 год 6 месяцев)
2. Senior technician-electrician 4 level * Inspection of works in accordance with the Electrical and Instrumentation project. * Preparation of check sheets and acts for signature. * I work as a responsible person for the implementation of construction and installation works and for maintaining ITD (Executive and technical documentation) at the objects of the FGP project. * Sending a report on completed electrical work. • Know the norms according to GOST and SNiP. * Installation of electrical equipment; * Installation of heating cable. • Control the operation of measurement devices (maintenance of pressure sensors, flow meter, temperatures.) • Glendive,detaching kabalai commissioning; * Laying of power cables and cables; * Design of work packages for instrumentation and Electrical engineering; * Development, modification and creation of drawings of any complexity; * Procedure of delivery of documents of the performed works; * Calculation of electrical parameters to select the necessary equipment; * Calculation of voltage drop to select the desired cross-section of electrical cables; * Calculation of outdoor and indoor lighting; * Calculation of electric heating. * Increase the efficiency of the company due to the quantity and quality of work performed design department; * Very well know how to read single-line, primary, secondary and operational electrical scheme. * Worked with electrical appliances multimeter Fluke 28 II, Fluke179, megger Fluke 1550c, micrometer, cable printer ProMark T-1000, Metrel, AID-70, Viola for high voltage test, power meter Uni-T, Reto-21.
- Department of land cadastre and technical survey of real estate-branch of non-profit joint stock company "State Corporation" Government for citizens " in Kostanay region.
Engineer of health and safety with
С 01.11.2016 по 01.12.2017 (1 год 1 месяц)
* Carried out control over observance of the current legislation, instructions, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation, fire protection and environmental protection at the enterprise. * Developed draft plans to improve working conditions. * Developed measures to create safe and healthy working conditions, rational modes of work and rest, taking into account the specifics of production, performance dynamics, periodicity of human physiological functions. * Participated in the inspection of the technical condition of the equipment, determining its compliance with the requirements of safe operation, in necessary cases, in accordance with the established procedure to take measures to terminate its operation. * Monitored the operation of ventilation systems, the condition of safety devices and protective devices. * Developed programs to train workers in safe working methods, to organize propaganda and study by employees of the enterprise of safety regulations, industrial sanitation and fire protection. * Conducted briefings of employees of the enterprise, and also to supervise their carrying out, to organize check of knowledge of workers. * Participated in the investigation of accidents of industrial and non-industrial injuries, professional and non-professional diseases, to study their causes, to analyze the effectiveness of measures to prevent them. * Controlled correctness of drawing up of applications for overalls, special food, protective devices, etc., timeliness of issue to workers of means of individual protection, and also expenditure by the enterprise of appropriations for labor protection and safety.
The Department of justice of Kostanay
Assistant Bailiff
С 01.05.2015 по 01.11.2016 (1 год 6 месяцев)
1.Inspector 2.Assistant Bailiff 3.Inspector-Registrar for information references 4.Senior specialist on contracts
ТОО Consulting Engineering Group -2050
Master of Production
С 01.09.2014 по 01.03.2015 (6 месяцев)
* Was responsible for the execution of construction and installation works at a high technical level of construction and in strict accordance with the approved design and estimate documentation, and in terms approved in the schedule of works. * Distributed the work on the site in accordance with the plan and schedule of work and sought execution; * Handed over the executed works to the direct head, the head of Department of quality and supervising services, is responsible for quality and terms of the executed works.
TOO Caspian Steel Kostanay
Specialist ACS TP and it 4 level.
С 01.11.2013 по 01.09.2014 (10 месяцев)
* Commissioning of European equipment manufacturers such as Siemens at the Evraz Caspian Steel rebar plant. * Equipment testing (up to 1000 V) under load and without. Work with project documents, drawings and diagrams. • Control the operation of measurement devices (maintenance of pressure sensors, flow meter, temperatures.) * Monitoring compliance with safety regulations * Inspection of works in accordance with the Electrical and Instrumentation project. * Increase the efficiency of the company due to the quantity and quality of work performed design department; * Very well know how to read single-line, primary, secondary and operational electrical scheme.
Electromechanical Relay Protection and Automation
С 01.08.2009 по 01.12.2012 (3 года 4 месяца)
1.Electrician Transformer Shop 01.08.09-01.12.09 Performance of separate simple works on repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. Installation and repair of junction boxes, terminal blocks, safety guards. Cleaning and purging with compressed air of electrical equipment with partial disassembly, washing and wiping of parts. Cleaning contacts and contact surfaces. Cutting, splicing, insulation and soldering of wires up to 1000 V. Laying of installation wires and cables. Performing simple plumbing, installation and carpentry work in the repair of electrical equipment. Connect and disconnect electrical equipment and perform simple measurements. Check and measurement of insulation resistance of distribution networks of stators and rotors of electric motors, windings of transformers, inputs and outputs of cables. 2. Electrician of Traction Substation 01.12.09-12.05.11 Position Deputy Head of Traction substation Carried out periodic inspections and maintenance of equipment and devices traction substation. Carried out major repairs and works to strengthen the substation in accordance with the annual plan. He issued orders for the production of works, the leadership of the team and direct participation in the works. Instructed crews, made control of observance of technology. Monitored compliance of workers with industrial and labor discipline, rules and norms of labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation. Performed inspection and testing of protective equipment according to safety regulations. Ensured proper storage and use of tool materials and inventory. Replaced the head of the substation in his absence. He was on duty in the shift during vacations and illnesses of the staff on duty. 3. Electromechanical Relay Protection and Automation. 12.05.11-04.09.12 Combined engineer for Traction substations Disassembly and Assembly of relays of simple electrical measuring instruments and equipment of direct and alternating current, the mechanical part of simple relays and measuring instruments. Washing and cleaning of units and parts of measuring instruments and equipment, cleaning of contacts and contact surfaces. Repair and maintenance of simple relay protection and automation equipment, installation of measuring instruments on stands and connection.
Костанайский социально-технический университет имени З. Алдамжара
Казахская академия транспорта и коммуникаций имени М. Тынышпаева
Безопасное проведение работ в электроустановках (118)
Проведение работ на высоте
Техника безопасности при работе в замкнутом пространстве
Техника безопасности при работе в замкнутом пространстве
Владение языками
Родной язык
Иностранные языки
Английский, Русский
Ключевые навыки
Деловое лидерство
вести за собой людей
Внимательность, пунктуальность, высокая работоспособность
Обучаемость , желание развиваться ,стрессоустойчивость , умение работать в команде ,пунктуальность
Разговорный английский язык
Пк деловая переписка
• деловая коммуникация • общение с клиентами • работа в условиях многозадачности • опыт работы в ком
управление качеством
Дополнительная информация
• Participated in Project Management training at the regional youth forum of NC Kazakhstan Temir Joly. • Participated in training called Working with Project and the Art of Presentation organized by the Republican party and youth forum of NC Kazakhstan Temir Joly . • Received recognition award from the Director of the department of Roads • Computer skills - MSOffice, AutoCAD 3D, EEDO. • Trained to use a fire extinguisher for first aid, as well as use a self-contained breathing apparatus. • Languages: Kazakh, Russian(Advanced level) and English (Intermediate level) • Took English courses in USA (Intermediate level) 12.09.2012 - 30.06.2013 • Good interpersonal skills, leadership skills, ability to quickly pick up and learn new, relevant information, creative approach to problem solving, high performance, and ability to work in a team.
Похожие резюме
до 100 000 ₽
47 лет
Полный день, Гибкий график, Удаленная работа
Последнее место работы
Ип нұрке, Строиитель, июль 2007 - по настоящее время
19.11 в 15:15
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Более недели назад
Опыт работы
34 года 8 месяцев
до 700 000 ₽
38 лет
Полный день, Удаленная работа
Последнее место работы
ksp-steel, слесарь по КИПиА 4 разряда, апрель 2006 - октябрь 2012
13.12 в 15:26
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Более недели назад
Опыт работы
20 лет 6 месяцев
Не указана
36 лет
Полный день
Последнее место работы
ТОО Актау продукт, Заместитель директора по финансовым и производственным вопросам, январь 2011 - март 2011
01.01 в 03:03
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Более недели назад
Опыт работы
16 лет 2 месяца