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Тип занятости
Полная занятость, Проектная работа/разовое задание
Мужчина, 39 лет, родился 3 декабря 1985
Город: Астана
Опыт работы
17 лет
Compass Kazakhstan, Tengiz
Facility Maintenance Manager
С 01.06.2022 по 01.02.2024 (1 год 8 месяцев)
* Maintenance&Operation of Tengizchevroil (TCO) facilities at Tengiz field – all accommodation blocks and administrative building of TCO Village, Shanyrak Village, Orken Village, Construction Compound, RipSera. * Leadership and management of the General Maintenance team – more than 400 people. * Created a procedure for Quality Control of Facility Maintenance – Audit Plan, Inspection schedule, reporting, re-checking. * Organized testing and evaluation of personnel qualifications – all available personnel was tested. * Implemented a process for tracking/coordinating the purchase of materials and consumables – this allowed track the procurement status for each Supervisor/requestor. * Improved the process of correctness of timely execution/closing of Work orders, which raised the KPI from 16% to 86% and reduced the number of work requests (Awaiting parts) by 50%. * Created and implemented procedure for handling Project Requests – Site Inspection, Defective Act preparation, preparation of Project Proposal, execution of approved Requests, Quality Control (QA/QC Checklist), Project Completion Report. All created documents into a single presentation, and it was presented to TFM TCO. * More than 150 Project Requests were processed – CIVIL works in administrative buildings, Repair and Modernization of engineering systems (Mechanical/HVAC/Electrical), Repair and modernization of technical premises, exterior works. *Communication with all involved Project members – Task manager from TCO, TCO contracting team, SPT members, site managers, etc. • Project closeout – Quality Control of completed works (QAQC checklist); Reporting (Completion report); closeout documentation (Act of Acceptance, timesheet, etc.). • Created FM organizational chart – separately for Base Business, Special Projects Team, FGP, Atyrau FM, FM Warehouse, Birlik FM. QA/QC Actions: • Quality assurance of work order closures - preventive maintenance (PPM), corrective maintenance (CM). Managed the work order quality review process - organized the review process by the QAQC team, interacted with the CMMS team, and reported to the TFM TCO. • Created documented FM Internal Audit procedure - created audit checklist forms, audit report, audit plan, audit program. • QAQC actions – managing FM QAQC documentation – created folders in Sharepoint Database for FM Procedures, checklists, Winterization plans, Updating MDI Register. • Responsible for developing along with FM service provider the Asset Register, PPM Plan, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Quality management system including QA/QC Plan, Control of Nonconformance Procedures, Maintenance delivery Strategy.
Compass Kazakhstan, Tengiz
Facility Maintenance Manager
С 01.06.2022 по 01.02.2024 (1 год 8 месяцев)
* Maintenance&Operation of Tengizchevroil (TCO) facilities at Tengiz field – all accommodation blocks and administrative building of TCO Village, Shanyrak Village, Orken Village, Construction Compound, RipSera. * Leadership and management of the General Maintenance team – more than 400 people. * Created a procedure for Quality Control of Facility Maintenance – Audit Plan, Inspection schedule, reporting, re-checking. * Organized testing and evaluation of personnel qualifications – all available personnel was tested. * Implemented a process for tracking/coordinating the purchase of materials and consumables – this allowed track the procurement status for each Supervisor/requestor. * Improved the process of correctness of timely execution/closing of Work orders, which raised the KPI from 16% to 86% and reduced the number of work requests (Awaiting parts) by 50%. * Created and implemented procedure for handling Project Requests – Site Inspection, Defective Act preparation, preparation of Project Proposal, execution of approved Requests, Quality Control (QA/QC Checklist), Project Completion Report. All created documents into a single presentation, and it was presented to TFM TCO. * More than 150 Project Requests were processed – CIVIL works in administrative buildings, Repair and Modernization of engineering systems (Mechanical/HVAC/Electrical), Repair and modernization of technical premises, exterior works. *Communication with all involved Project members – Task manager from TCO, TCO contracting team, SPT members, site managers, etc. • Project closeout – Quality Control of completed works (QAQC checklist); Reporting (Completion report); closeout documentation (Act of Acceptance, timesheet, etc.). • Created FM organizational chart – separately for Base Business, Special Projects Team, FGP, Atyrau FM, FM Warehouse, Birlik FM. QA/QC Actions: • Quality assurance of work order closures - preventive maintenance (PPM), corrective maintenance (CM). Managed the work order quality review process - organized the review process by the QAQC team, interacted with the CMMS team, and reported to the TFM TCO. • Created documented FM Internal Audit procedure - created audit checklist forms, audit report, audit plan, audit program. • QAQC actions – managing FM QAQC documentation – created folders in Sharepoint Database for FM Procedures, checklists, Winterization plans, Updating MDI Register. • Responsible for developing along with FM service provider the Asset Register, PPM Plan, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Quality management system including QA/QC Plan, Control of Nonconformance Procedures, Maintenance delivery Strategy.
QA/QC Engineer
С 01.02.2021 по 01.06.2022 (1 год 4 месяца)
* Develop and Implement procedures and policies for PPM, Corrective maintenance, Landlord modification and additional projects work including but not limited to MEP systems and sub-systems including Fire Life Safety systems, Civil and Building Fabric works construction, installation, inspection and testing and commissioning, hand over and further operation and maintenance. * Monitoring, planning and participation in maintenance work, make sure that the staff complies with the plan, schedule, instructions on methods, manufacturer's recommendations. * Monitoring Help Desk support requests and ensure proper and timely closure of relevant reports. * Execute operational Audits, ensure its timely and proper closure by personnel. * Ensuring implementation of all QA/QC procedures and compliance with agreed Protocols. * Track and monitor Closeout documentation received from PDT, such as, Acts, Fits, RFICs, Warranties, As-Builts, OMMs. * Preparing, organizing and, if necessary, conducting initial orientation, professional development, training plans and specialized trainings for organization staff. * Responsible for tracking any landlord changes and ensure related documents are updated and archived accordingly (As-Builts, Method Statements, Coordination layout). * Responsible for ensuring all new consultants and contractors are executing their works in accordance with agreed QA/QC plan documents (RFITs, NCR, Close- out, Trade lists).
АО НК КазМунайГаз и его ДЗО
Chief Facility Maintenance Manager
С 01.03.2013 по 01.06.2020 (7 лет 3 месяца)
* Execution of Bidders Technical and Commercial proposals Evaluation in terms of Bidders qualifications, experience, skills, quality, manpower, equipment and vehicles, commercial and financial statements and prepare Technical Evaluation Report for the Management. * Supervised the operation of the business center, coordinated the budget and execution of contracts for maintenance of engineering systems and equipment. * Planed, organized, maintained and managed the operations and reliability of the “Emerald Quarter” Building’s facilities and general infrastructure systems. * Established and monitored preventative maintenance processes, programs, and facility inspection processes for on-going review of maintenance work by jurisdiction’s agencies. * Supervised and coordinated administrative services including hiring, evaluation, training, dismissal of the skilled and technical/support staff, such as locksmiths, dispatchers, cleaners, carpenters, movers etc. * Organized and managed the construction projects for changing commercial and office premises, such as the Green Office project in the Emerald Quarter Business Center * Planed the budget of the building on the cleaning and maintenance services- generated a budget application, monitored budget execution, provided a report on its implementation. * Coordinated the activities of the contractor providing services for the integrated operation of the building - monitoring of contractual obligations. * Planning of the processes of the Department’s activities - development, coordination and approval of work plans; monitoring of the implementation of planned activities; preparation of reports on the implementation of the plan's activities * Oversaw the provision of rental services for office, warehouse and commercial space in the building and the development of a methodology for the process of leasing the premises of the building, improving the quality of KMG-S services in the Building
“Wakefield Inspection Services” LLP
Consultant of Quality Management Systems
С 01.03.2010 по 01.12.2012 (2 года 9 месяцев)
• Support of services for the development and implementation of a quality management system according to the standards of MS ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:1999, OHSAS 2007. • Internal and external audits of quality systems. • Organization of seminars on training internal auditors of quality management systems • Participation in the field seminar "Mangystau Sapa-2010" • Training and practical application of Kaizen principles in production. • Preparation of companies for certification.
“Temirbeton-1” LLP
Quality Management Systems Specialist
С 01.07.2007 по 01.11.2009 (2 года 4 месяца)
• Performing of internal audits. • Development of internal regulatory documents - regulations on the division and job descriptions. • Control of document flow in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001-2000(8). • Study, development and implementation of new proposals for the development of QMS. • Development of quality objectives. • QMS monitoring in the process. • Preparation of analysis by senior management. • Support of third-party audit activities.
Permit to Work (PTW) and Hazard Analysis
Operation Process Zone (OPZ).
Hazard Identification.
Initial Safety Orientation.
Winter driving
Presentation on SI-118 for non-electrical personnel (TCO)
Initial Fire Safety Orientation
Confined space entry
Respiratory protection equipment
"Ознакомительный курс по безопасному проведению земляных работ" ("Safe Excavation Practices")
Refresher Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
LOTO Isolation of Hazardous Energy
Safe Driving
"Working at heights"
Refresher Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
Внутренний аудитор системы энергетического менеджмента на соответствие международному стандарту ИСО 50001-2011
Интегрированная система менеджмента - разработка и внедрение систем менеджмента в соответствии с требованиями МС ИСО 9001-2008, МС ИСО 14001-2004 и OHSAS 18001-2007
Кайдзен. Система бережливого производства.
Семинар по подготовке внутренних аудиторов по ИСО 9001-2008
Меджународный форум по качеству "Мангистау сапа 2010"
Региональный семинар на сосискание премии "Алтын Сапа"
Курсы по технике безопасности и охране труда
Семинар по подготовке внутренних аудиторов по ИСО 9001-2000
Владение языками
Родной язык
Иностранные языки
Английский, Русский
Ключевые навыки
Facility management
Agile project management
quality management
Знание делового этикета на английском, приветствуется business english, продвинутый пользователь пк
team management
quality control
Дополнительная информация
PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS * Awarded a Certificate of Recognition from TCO - dated 28 January 2023. * Awarded a Certificate of Recognition from ALDAR EuroAsia– dated 25th of December 2021y. * Awarded a Certificate of Honour from KazMunaiGas JSC – dated 25th of August 2018y. * Awarded a Certificate of Honour from Samruk-Kazyna JSC – dated 16th of December 2017y. * Awarded a Certificate of Honour from KazMunaiGas JSC – dated 28th of December 2017y. * I have developed Tender documentation and successfully procured a service for Comprehensive Maintenance of Emerald Quarter Business Centre – KazMunayGas, 2017. * I have developed and agreed with the Business Planning Committee of NC KazMunayGas JSC a business plan (budget) for comprehensive maintenance of the Emerald Quarter Business Centre – 2017-2020. * The following AbuDhabiPlaza buildings have been successfully commissioned from the Construction Team – Mall, Residential building and Office buildings.
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НГСК КазСтройСервис, АО, Инженер по охране труда и технике безопасности, ноябрь 2013 - июнь 2018
05.01 в 15:05
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