Для открытия контактов резюме необходимо приобрести доступ к базе
до 1 000 000 ₽
Тип занятости
Полная занятость
Мужчина, 30 лет, родился 10 декабря 1994
Город: Астана
Опыт работы
11 лет 2 месяца
Project Contract Manager
С 01.02.2022 по настоящее время (3 года 1 месяц)
• Build the contract management strategy plan. • Prepare & organize Contract Management Day. • Establish and implement project specific procedures. • In coordination with Legal, provide regular commercial awareness briefings to the Project Team on specific commercial subjects. • Protect ALSTOM Intellectual Property Rights, Trade Secrets and Know-How. • Prepare Project preparation lists, plans, procedures and tools. • Ensure close interface with Project Team Members to produce, in due time, aligned and agreed associated Deliverables. • Apply discipline in recurrent activities during the Execution Phase. • Anticipate contractual events and risks. • Identify early and monitor Savings and Opportunities closely. • Provide and update a Monthly Contract Management reporting. • Attend external meetings with Customer, consortium partners, Key Supplier and Subcontractors if a Supplier/Subcontractor related Claim is putting Project at risk), third parties and internal meetings (e.g., MPRs, CPRs, and RPRs), aiming to identify, address, review, launch, defend, negotiate and settle claims. • Secure Contract Closing. • Solving disputes using international Alstom instructions and prepare documents for arbitration in Geneva.
Project Contract Manager
С 01.02.2022 по настоящее время (3 года 1 месяц)
• Build the contract management strategy plan. • Prepare & organize Contract Management Day. • Establish and implement project specific procedures. • In coordination with Legal, provide regular commercial awareness briefings to the Project Team on specific commercial subjects. • Protect ALSTOM Intellectual Property Rights, Trade Secrets and Know-How. • Prepare Project preparation lists, plans, procedures and tools. • Ensure close interface with Project Team Members to produce, in due time, aligned and agreed associated Deliverables. • Apply discipline in recurrent activities during the Execution Phase. • Anticipate contractual events and risks. • Identify early and monitor Savings and Opportunities closely. • Provide and update a Monthly Contract Management reporting. • Attend external meetings with Customer, consortium partners, Key Supplier and Subcontractors if a Supplier/Subcontractor related Claim is putting Project at risk), third parties and internal meetings (e.g., MPRs, CPRs, and RPRs), aiming to identify, address, review, launch, defend, negotiate and settle claims. • Secure Contract Closing. • Solving disputes using international Alstom instructions and prepare documents for arbitration in Geneva.
Daryn Partners
Legal Counsel
С 01.07.2018 по 01.02.2022 (3 года 7 месяцев)
• Supporting transactions for the acquisition/sale of shares in companies. • Support for re-registration of companies. • Negotiation and support of group company contracts for tenders and other projects. • Supporting projects of companies on the construction of terminals and other geological issues. • Preparation of legal opinions on issues of licenses, land law, administrative law, civil law, construction, intellectual property and electricity. • Drafting and design of contracts for clients. • Preparation of statements of claim and petitions. • Drawing up legal Due Diligence and further support of the purchase of a company share. • Support of company registration with preparation of all internal documents, along with the constituent agreement. Preparation of documents for participation in the SEZ of Atyrau.
KPMG (Казахстан)
С 01.07.2017 по 01.07.2018 (1 год)
• Work on registration, liquidation of companies and branches. • Preparation of legal opinions on land and labor issues. • Working with clients to resolve various legal issues. • Writing a legal opinion on subsoil use for foreign investors. • Preparation of opinions on issues related to petroleum products. • Work on due diligence of banks and other companies. • Work with different types of contracts.
АО "KazPetroDrilling"
С 01.02.2017 по 01.06.2017 (4 месяца)
• Work on banking and tender projects. • Preparation of legal opinions. • Checking contracts for compliance with our terms and conditions and legislation. • As a management company, our responsibility included coordinating the work of lawyers in affiliated companies. • Working with people from other departments and other organizations. • Work on the preparation of documents for the inspection team of the National Bank.
Евразийский банк, АО
С 01.01.2016 по 01.06.2016 (5 месяцев)
• Worked on debt collection process.
С 01.06.2015 по 01.08.2015 (2 месяца)
• Working with clients and preparation of legal opinions.
С 01.02.2015 по 01.05.2015 (3 месяца)
• Analysis of bankruptcy and rehabilitation law in relation to the rights of affiliated creditors.
KPMG Legal Department
С 01.06.2014 по 01.07.2014 (1 месяц)
• Analysis of bankruptcy and rehabilitation law in relation to the rights of affiliated creditors.
KIMEP School of Law
Владение языками
Родной язык
Иностранные языки
Английский, Русский
Ключевые навыки
Time management
Хорошие организаторские навыки
Adobe photoshop, работа в команде, концепт арт
Пк деловая переписка
Организаторские и управленческие навыки
• деловая коммуникация • общение с клиентами • работа в условиях многозадачности • опыт работы в ком
Financial due diligence
анализ договоров
регистрация компаний
работа с иностранными клиентами
корпоративный юрист
Agile project management
юридическое сопровождение
negotiation skills
документальное сопровождение
составление договоров
Кадровое делопроизводство
работа с большим объемом информации
• написание текстов • деловое общение • организация мероприятий • планирование рекламных кампаний •
Проверка и согласование договоров
международное право
договорное право
• маркетинговые исследования • анализ рынка • swot анализ • аналитическое мышление • стратегический
договоры поставки
Составление и заключение договоров
• подготовка презентаций
team management
подготовка заседаний совета директоров
юридическая поддержка
Похожие резюме
Не указана
37 лет
Полный день, Гибкий график, Удаленная работа
Последнее место работы
АО "Народный банк Казахстана", Менеджер Центре Персонального Сервиса, сентябрь 2008 - июнь 2011
29.12 в 09:13
Был на сайте
Более недели назад
Опыт работы
27 лет 1 месяц
Не указана
28 лет
Полный день
Последнее место работы
Министерство Финансов Республики Казахстан, Стажер в Департаменте Информационных Технологии, май 2016 - июль 2016
26.01 в 15:01
Был на сайте
Более недели назад
Опыт работы
5 лет 7 месяцев
Не указана
29 лет
Гибкий график, Удаленная работа
Последнее место работы
КазНУ им аль-Фараби, Lab assistant, октябрь 2013 - май 2015
19.01 в 18:00
Был на сайте
Более недели назад
Опыт работы
19 лет 2 месяца