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до 1 000 000 ₽



Тип занятости

Полная занятость

Мужчина, 30 лет, родился 10 декабря 1994

Город: Астана

Опыт работы

11 лет 2 месяца


Project Contract Manager

С 01.02.2022 по настоящее время (3 года 1 месяц)

• Build the contract management strategy plan. • Prepare & organize Contract Management Day. • Establish and implement project specific procedures. • In coordination with Legal, provide regular commercial awareness briefings to the Project Team on specific commercial subjects. • Protect ALSTOM Intellectual Property Rights, Trade Secrets and Know-How. • Prepare Project preparation lists, plans, procedures and tools. • Ensure close interface with Project Team Members to produce, in due time, aligned and agreed associated Deliverables. • Apply discipline in recurrent activities during the Execution Phase. • Anticipate contractual events and risks. • Identify early and monitor Savings and Opportunities closely. • Provide and update a Monthly Contract Management reporting. • Attend external meetings with Customer, consortium partners, Key Supplier and Subcontractors if a Supplier/Subcontractor related Claim is putting Project at risk), third parties and internal meetings (e.g., MPRs, CPRs, and RPRs), aiming to identify, address, review, launch, defend, negotiate and settle claims. • Secure Contract Closing. • Solving disputes using international Alstom instructions and prepare documents for arbitration in Geneva.


Project Contract Manager

С 01.02.2022 по настоящее время (3 года 1 месяц)

• Build the contract management strategy plan. • Prepare & organize Contract Management Day. • Establish and implement project specific procedures. • In coordination with Legal, provide regular commercial awareness briefings to the Project Team on specific commercial subjects. • Protect ALSTOM Intellectual Property Rights, Trade Secrets and Know-How. • Prepare Project preparation lists, plans, procedures and tools. • Ensure close interface with Project Team Members to produce, in due time, aligned and agreed associated Deliverables. • Apply discipline in recurrent activities during the Execution Phase. • Anticipate contractual events and risks. • Identify early and monitor Savings and Opportunities closely. • Provide and update a Monthly Contract Management reporting. • Attend external meetings with Customer, consortium partners, Key Supplier and Subcontractors if a Supplier/Subcontractor related Claim is putting Project at risk), third parties and internal meetings (e.g., MPRs, CPRs, and RPRs), aiming to identify, address, review, launch, defend, negotiate and settle claims. • Secure Contract Closing. • Solving disputes using international Alstom instructions and prepare documents for arbitration in Geneva.

Daryn Partners

Legal Counsel

С 01.07.2018 по 01.02.2022 (3 года 7 месяцев)

• Supporting transactions for the acquisition/sale of shares in companies. • Support for re-registration of companies. • Negotiation and support of group company contracts for tenders and other projects. • Supporting projects of companies on the construction of terminals and other geological issues. • Preparation of legal opinions on issues of licenses, land law, administrative law, civil law, construction, intellectual property and electricity. • Drafting and design of contracts for clients. • Preparation of statements of claim and petitions. • Drawing up legal Due Diligence and further support of the purchase of a company share. • Support of company registration with preparation of all internal documents, along with the constituent agreement. Preparation of documents for participation in the SEZ of Atyrau.

KPMG (Казахстан)


С 01.07.2017 по 01.07.2018 (1 год)

• Work on registration, liquidation of companies and branches. • Preparation of legal opinions on land and labor issues. • Working with clients to resolve various legal issues. • Writing a legal opinion on subsoil use for foreign investors. • Preparation of opinions on issues related to petroleum products. • Work on due diligence of banks and other companies. • Work with different types of contracts.

АО "KazPetroDrilling"


С 01.02.2017 по 01.06.2017 (4 месяца)

• Work on banking and tender projects. • Preparation of legal opinions. • Checking contracts for compliance with our terms and conditions and legislation. • As a management company, our responsibility included coordinating the work of lawyers in affiliated companies. • Working with people from other departments and other organizations. • Work on the preparation of documents for the inspection team of the National Bank.

Евразийский банк, АО


С 01.01.2016 по 01.06.2016 (5 месяцев)

• Worked on debt collection process.



С 01.06.2015 по 01.08.2015 (2 месяца)

• Working with clients and preparation of legal opinions.



С 01.02.2015 по 01.05.2015 (3 месяца)

• Analysis of bankruptcy and rehabilitation law in relation to the rights of affiliated creditors.

KPMG Legal Department


С 01.06.2014 по 01.07.2014 (1 месяц)

• Analysis of bankruptcy and rehabilitation law in relation to the rights of affiliated creditors.



KIMEP School of Law

Владение языками

Родной язык


Иностранные языки

Английский, Русский


Ключевые навыки

  • Time management

  • Хорошие организаторские навыки

  • Adobe photoshop, работа в команде, концепт арт

  • Пк деловая переписка

  • Организаторские и управленческие навыки

  • • деловая коммуникация • общение с клиентами • работа в условиях многозадачности • опыт работы в ком

  • Financial due diligence

  • анализ договоров

  • регистрация компаний

  • работа с иностранными клиентами

  • стрессоустойчивый

  • корпоративный юрист

  • Agile project management

  • юридическое сопровождение

  • negotiation skills

  • документальное сопровождение

  • составление договоров

  • Кадровое делопроизводство

  • работа с большим объемом информации

  • • написание текстов • деловое общение • организация мероприятий • планирование рекламных кампаний •

  • Проверка и согласование договоров

  • международное право

  • договорное право

  • • маркетинговые исследования • анализ рынка • swot анализ • аналитическое мышление • стратегический

  • договоры поставки

  • Составление и заключение договоров

  • • подготовка презентаций

  • team management

  • подготовка заседаний совета директоров

  • юридическая поддержка

Похожие резюме


Не указана

37 лет


Полный день, Гибкий график, Удаленная работа

Последнее место работы

АО "Народный банк Казахстана", Менеджер Центре Персонального Сервиса, сентябрь 2008 - июнь 2011


29.12 в 09:13

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

27 лет 1 месяц


Не указана

28 лет


Полный день

Последнее место работы

Министерство Финансов Республики Казахстан, Стажер в Департаменте Информационных Технологии, май 2016 - июль 2016


26.01 в 15:01

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

5 лет 7 месяцев


Не указана

29 лет


Гибкий график, Удаленная работа

Последнее место работы

КазНУ им аль-Фараби, Lab assistant, октябрь 2013 - май 2015


19.01 в 18:00

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

19 лет 2 месяца